An intricate beauty.

The Khajuraho Temples located in Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh were built by the Chandela dynasty. The temples are famous for their intricate sculptures, delicately carved in stone.
There were originally 85 temples, but today there are only 25. Khajuraho comes from the Sanskrit word “Kharjurāvahaka.” “Kharjura” means “date palm” and “vahaka” means “one who carries” or “bearer.” The word Kharjurāvahaka can also mean “scorpion bearer,” also known as Lord Shiva.
The architecture of the Khajuraho temples represents Hindu beliefs through geometrical design and images that connect with each other to form a single expression or idea. Poems are inscribed on the temple walls, primarily in the Sanskrit language.
All Hindu temples face east, where the sun rises.